The Australian Charity Award for Outstanding Achievement [OAA] culminating in an overall winner for Australian Charity of the Year [CHY] recognises charitable organisations that have achieved outstanding results through initiatives that have significantly benefited charitable causes.
The Australian Charity Awards have been established to identify, recognise and reward organisations for the exceptional work undertaken through their charitable activities. The Australian Charity Awards is a partner program of The Australian Business Awards.
The Australian Charity Award for Outstanding Achievement [OAA] culminating in an overall winner for The Australian Charity of the Year [CHY] honours the dedication and achievements of charitable organisations and the measurable impact of their initiatives.
The recipients are honoured and earn a place amongst a distinguished group by having their achievements acknowledged and celebrated.
Entry is open to all registered charities, including charitable funds and charitable institutions located in Australia. Charitable institutions include Public Benevolent Institutions and Health Promotion Charities.
Participants are required to complete a written submission for a specific initiative. Initiatives can include but are not limited to projects, programs, processes, systems, technologies, developments, ventures and undertakings.
Entries are assessed utilising a robust and dynamic framework to ensure that the assessment process is pertinent and objective.
The World Business Awards Framework (WBA Framework) is utilised as a structured model of assessment that enables the participating organisations to be benchmarked against world class performance standards.
The criteria provide a robust set of requirements that are used as the methodology for benchmarking and knowledge building among the participating organisations.
The Australian Charity Awards provide a notable opportunity for organisations to raise awareness for their important causes.
Conducted annually, the program engages with organisations nationally to benchmark their projects, initiatives and contributions through a national recognition and knowledge building initiative that is underpinned by the program’s established framework.
The process culminates in the selection of charitable organisations that have achieved outstanding results through initiatives that have benefited charitable causes.
The program provides the ultimate platform for building knowledge, increasing awareness and social impact through increased exposure and recognition.